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New Scouts

A Scout is …

Welcome to all our new scouts. Scouts should memorize the scout oath, law, motto, and slogan as these are the foundations of everything else we do as scouts. Read your scout handbook often. Know the meaning behind our Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Traditions (signs, salutes, and handshakes), and Scout Badge. And, of course, learn and practice tying knots.

Scout Rank Requirements

There are also a few requirements that need to be completed with parents.

Please make sure that an application form has been completed to transfer your scout from their Cub Scout Pack to our Troop. The form should be turned into John Anderson. Please see John for more information or to pick-up the application.

Please review the Youth Protection guidelines with your scout which are located in the front section of the Boy Scout Handbook. Boy Scout Handbooks can be purchased at any local scout shop (ie. Nankin Hardware) or online at the Scout Shop.


Click HERE for a site that makes/sells Class B patrol patches. They have some creative designs or you can design your own.

There are also standard patrol patches available at the local scout shops.


Click HERE to see the uniform inspection form!


For any parent with a uniform interested in joining the “Old Goat” patrol please be sure to pick up a patrol badge at the next troop meeting.

Also, Troop 1537 name tags can be ordered through “The Engraving Connection” on Main Street. See Phil Klump for additional information.

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