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Merit Badge Counselors


Being a merit badge counselor is an important way to help our troop, it’s a great way to help scouts advance and a great way for you to get to know the boys in the troop. If you decide to teach a class, you can set up the merit badge classes around your schedule and teach as many badge subjects as you wish – or you can simply review and sign off on work the boy’s are doing on their own. Once you complete the training you will not be required to take it again.

As part of becoming a counselor you do need to do a few things:

  1. Go through the BSA’s on-line Youth Protection Training This course takes about 20 minutes and you will be able to print out a certificate of completion. 

    This certification is good for 2 years – so if you have been recently certified, just reprint your completion certificate. It would help to do this training BEFORE you attend a training session. If you have not taken any BSA on-line training, you will need to create an ID and a password which is a simple process.

  2. Please fill out a Merit Badge Counselor form, it give us some information about you and you can select what subjects you want to be a counselor for (some of the newest badges are not listed here, please write them in).

FOR MORE INFO: Please talk to Tom Vick.

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