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Troop 1537
Leadership Position Description



Type:   Appointed by the Senior Patrol Leader
Term:   6 months
Reports to:   Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

Description:   The Troop Historian keeps a historical record or scrapbook of troop activities.
Comments:   The true value of a good Historian does not show up until years later. The Historian provides material for displays and presentations of current activities. In addition, the work of the Historian provides a link with the past.


Age:   none
Rank:   none
Experience:   none, but interest in photography is helpful
Attendance:   50% over the previous 6 months


Training:   You must attend the troop Junior Leader Training even if you have attended in the past.
Attendance:   You are expected to attend 60% of all troop meetings, Patrol Leaders’ Council meetings, outings, and service projects. If your attendance is low, or if you have three (3) unexcused absences in a row, you can be removed from office.
Effort: You are expected to given this job your best effort.


      Uniform:   Set the example by wearing your uniform correctly. This means that you will wear all of the parts of the troop uniform, shirttail tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.
     Behavior:   Set the example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit in everything you say and do.
Attendance:   Set the example by being an active Scout. Be on-time for meetings and activities. You must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you suddenly have to miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities.


  • Gathers pictures and facts about past troop activities and keeps them in a historical file or scrapbook.
  • Takes care of troop trophies, ribbons, and souvenirs of troop activities.
  • Keeps information about former members of the troop.
  • Update the display at the church at least 1 time during the elected period.
  • Update photographs in the church display at least 1 time during the elected period.
  • Update plaque with scouts who reached the rank of Eagle during the elected period.


  • Collects photos throughout leadership period.
  • Puts together a slideshow at a Court of Honor.
  • Writes a summary of each Troop activity and provides to Webmaster for publication.
  • Updates the Troops case in the main hallway of the Church with current information.
  • Troop Historian to meet with Committee Chair on a monthly basis to answer questions and make sure Scout is able to complete their elected position responsibilities.  Troop Historian can also setup a meeting with Scoutmaster for help and support.
  • Troop Historian to complete Troop 1537 Scout Leadership Position Summary.
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